11 thoughts to “Investigators say Greenwood fire is arson”

  1. Xacto – I think if the perpetrator had been to Burning Man he would have gotten it out of his system. ;-)

    The Green Bean fire was called in at around 4am. If any of you have jobs that require you to be out and about at that hour, please keep your eyes peeled for suspicious characters and activities! Don't be afraid to call them in!!

  2. what a jackass. i have to assume this is the same person that has been a scourge to the greenwood-phinney are for some years.

    was the arsonist responsible for the construction site fires years ago ever caught? i don't recall.

  3. It seems strange that someone would break into Green Bean, steal the money and set the place on fire for no reason. Sounds suspicious… I heard the owner wanted to tear down the building and develop the land.

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