Nervous Nellie’s Espresso moving

Nervous Nellie’s Espresso Co., which currently occupies a space at the corner of 17th Ave NW and NW 56th is closing their current location and moving west.

We spoke with a barista this morning who confirms that March 31st will be their last day before moving to the coffee stand at the Lockspot Cafe (3005 NW 54th St.) They’ll open at their new location, which is just at the entrance of the Locks, sometime in mid-April. (Thanks Demian for the email and coffee-snob for posting in the forum.)

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

12 thoughts to “Nervous Nellie’s Espresso moving”

  1. As long as they keep their great toast, yay!

    The space they moved into a couple of years ago is nice and big, but far too antiseptic for something as funky as a coffee place that serves “Swedish” toast. I'd be great if they could move into something with the size and feel of where Mr. Spot's Chai was, but I doubt that would be affordable right now.

  2. agreed.

    that space they've been in reeks of sterile swiss banalities.

    the new space at the Lockspot seems tiny in comparison. perhaps they're taking up the Paseo seasonal sandwich model.

  3. I think this new spot will be good for them. The first spot they had that is now where mini gelato was was perfect but then they had to move for some reason. The last one was just too big and sterile. It never felt like they moved in. I hope more people try them. The way Todd pulls shots is absolutely perfect. I like Verite', Lighthouse and Fiorre just fine but if you want the actual best cup of coffee in Seattle you will have it made by Todd at Nervous Nellies (First master roaster for Lighthouse coffee, where Dwayne from Stumptown learned to roast, and the actual founder of Cafe' Fiorre). He is the often unsung hero of Seattle Coffee. There is a reason that the owner of marzocco espresso machines will only get his coffee from this place.

  4. Best coffee in Seattle, period. Todd does pull the best shots. I bet this spot will be great for them, summer just around the corner and the number of people that go through The Locks is insane in the summer time. I will still be going… and hoping for toast still :)

  5. Because wi-fi is the most important aspect of any cafe . . . a room full of people glued to their beautiful blue-tinted laptops.

    Otherwise, plenty of cafes and breakfast places close before the dinner hour.

  6. I've always enjoyed the lack of wifi – I've met my neighbors and had real conversations as a direct result. I appreciate a place to relax, not another workplace.

  7. Today, a cafe without wi-fi is ridiculous (read=antiquated). It's expected, and people count on cafes to have it so they can get out and do their internetty business, so yeah, I find it a poor choice on their point.

    And what? These strangers that come in to stay are supposed to gather together to have a conversation? Silly.

    I can't speak to the Toast, though.

  8. If a cafe establishment chooses not to have wi-fi, it is simply their choice regarding the type of place they wish to run, the general ambiance, their vision of the sort of cafe they wanna be. I don't see why they need to be vilified for it. Take a trip to Europe sometime.

    You want wi-fi? Walk out your front door and throw a rock in any random direction . . . you'll find a cafe with wi-fi. And feel free to not patronize the “antiquated” cafes.

  9. I’ll be sad to see them move, and will make it down to the locks on the weekends for sure! Nicole’s shots are the best I’ve ever had, hopefully she will be moving to the new location!

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