Last day for discounted Ballard Jazz Fest tickets

Today is the last day to get your discounted tickets for the Ballard Jazz Festival. The annual 5-day event kicks off on April 21st with “Brotherhood of the Drum” and ends on Sunday, April 25th with the Swedish Pancake Jazz Brunch. Here is a complete schedule of events. Here is ticket information. (Disclosure: MyBallard is a media sponsor of the Ballard Jazz Festival.)

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

One thought to “Last day for discounted Ballard Jazz Fest tickets”

  1. 17th Ave NW, one block to the West, is a decent road to bike north and south on. Crossing Leary on 15th, you eiehtr have the option to go up to the Ballard Bridge or down to Shilshole Ave/45th St (AKA the missing link), which takes you to the Burke-Gilman Trail. So it’s one of those cases where, yes the roads immediately in front aren’t great for biking, but it’s a case of last few blocks syndrome .

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