Child car seat recycling event Sunday

This Sunday is your chance to get rid of an old child car seat that may be collecting dust in the garage. CoolMom will be collecting infant, convertible, child and booster seats at Viking Bank (2237 NW 57th St) from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. They ask that you please remove all the soft parts like covers, soft foam pads and straps.

Kimberly Christensen from CoolMom emailed us, “Bring your car seats for ReUse (still in good shape, < 6 years old) or Recycling (been in a car accident, washed with harsh chemicals or 6+ years old). Unsure if it should be reused or recycled? Bring it and we will get it to the right place!" The car seats that are able to be reused will be donated to WestSide Baby.

If you’d like to volunteer at the event, contact Kimberly at (Thanks Eli for the tip!)

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