Adams kicks off 4th Annual Penny Harvest

Empty your piggy banks and check under the cushions of your couch, the 4th Annual Penny Harvest kicks off today at Adams Elementary. Students will be collecting coins between now and December first for student-selected charities and service projects.

During the coin drive, students are trying to meet the challenge of collecting 25 sacks of pennies, which comes out to about 750 pounds.

A group of 21 4th and 5th graders have been busy planning this year’s event and putting together the kick-off movie. “This year’s movie, ‘the Super Hero Search’, promises to be zanier than ever, but hopefully conveys the message that all the kids at Adams can be a heroes, because they all have the power to make a difference,” parent coordinator Bobbi Windus tells us. Above is the “Penny News Network” movie from the 2009 Penny Harvest.

Once the coins are collected, the student leaders will research needs in our community and make grants and do service projects in the spring. Last year the 65 schools in the Seattle area collected more than $75,000 worth of coins. Adams donated to Childhaven, Puget Soundkeeper Alliance, and the Doney Memorial Pet Clinic and Adopt-an-orca through the Whale Museum.

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