Ballardite goes for win #4 on Jeopardy

Tom Nissley, Ballard’s resident smart guy, is up $71,203 after three wins on Jeopardy.

Nissley won Thursday night after winning the following Final Jeopardy clue:

Nissley will try for win number four on Friday evening at 7:30 on channel 4. (The question for the clue: What is Moscow?)

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

17 thoughts to “Ballardite goes for win #4 on Jeopardy”

  1. I’m glad the local guy is doing well, but can’t he clean up and wear something nice? No wonder Seattle ranks high in the worst dressed national rankings. Take some of the $71k and buy a suit.

  2. Another idiot gets money and his 15 minutes of fame that will both soon leave him never to return.

    At the least he should get a haircut, a shower and a suit in that order.

  3. I ride the bus with this fellow every weekday morning and it couldn’t happen to a lovlier person. I can assure you that he is well-groomed and appropriately attired. I am most impressed with his conscientiousness. He takes his young son to child care in the morning on his way to work. He and his wife have prioritized a quality child care for their children which means getting off the bus and walking his child to preschool and then returning to the bus in order to complete his trip to work. If only there were more Seattleites who cared as much for family and community instead of wasting time making ignorant and envious remarks on the internet.

  4. A shower? Your TV has smell-o-vision? What are you talking about?

    Also, a four-time jeopardy champ is an idiot? Hmmm. Me thinks we know who the idiot is.

    And lastly, why bedgrudge a regular dude a bit of scratch and a moment in the spot light? What, are those things reserved for more deserving celebrities like Q: Who Cares, the legendary bog commentor?

    Who cares? I care!

    Go Tom!

  5. I find Tom to be 100% charming and brilliant. Seriously? Raggin’ on his appearance, I think he is ADORABLE, a total babe!! What does how he looks has to do with anything anyway?

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