Uff da! goes to the dogs

We had to laugh at this bumper sticker at All the Best Pet Care on Market.

The new shop created these “woof da!” stickers as a play on “uff da!,” the Norwegian expression that translates to “I’m surprised.”

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

24 thoughts to “Uff da! goes to the dogs”

  1. And the point is… at least it's not shitting in your yard. :) keeping an animal in your house pretty much means it's going to be dirty.

    The point is…. my cat isn't bothering you but dogs… they are all over and causing trouble. :(

  2. ninaf – you are far to literal today. Its a freaking online fragment of a thread about whether dogs are better than cats… Hello!

    My dog is Barrack Obama, your cat is Dick Cheney!

  3. Woof da is cute and clever. Good for All the Best!

    I like dogs *and* cats! It's not like you have to choose.

    I like bears, too, but I wouldn't want to clean up after one. ;-)

  4. Cats DO shit in my yard, and dig up my plants, and kill birds, and try to get hit by cars, and…I love them anyway. However cats should not be allowed to run around, and most of them do not have collars or licenses that I can see, if dogs cannot also run around freely. What's fair is fair. And I am constantly picking up other people's dog poop in Ballard, and some cat poop too (I know what it looks like, I've had cats), so listen up people, pick up your pet excrement please! Little dog and cat poop still need to be picked up, even if it IS small.
    Woof Da! Meoof Da!

  5. I agree with “J” about someone else having the idea before. Please stop trying to make Ballard your new home. We never needed or wanted your store here. GO AWAY!

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