Pie in Fremont burglarized for the second time in three months

Pie in Fremont (3515 Fremont Ave N) has just been burglarized for the second time in three months.

Last night, burglars broke the door window and a large sliding door glass in the front of the shop, and stole the store’s 85-pound safe. Owner Jess Whitsitt told My Ballard that the safe was full of the employee’s tips, earnings from the weekend.

Whitsitt said this break-in was more severe than the one three months ago, when the burglar made off with the cash register drawer and the tips from that day. She said she doesn’t believe it’s the same burglar — last time, the person threw a rock to break the glass door, whereas this time the burglar first tried a crowbar before breaking the glass.

“It’s a major violation,” Whitsitt said. “This has never happened in eight years since we opened — it’s very apparenty things have changed.” She said she thinks the city needs better social services, and said she understands why burglaries like this happen. “Desperate times call for desperate measures. I don’t think it’s right, but I get why it happens when cities go through major and when economics change drastically like they have here.”

Whitsitt said they’re seeking video footage from nearby businesses to help identify the burglar. If you have any information about the crime, contact Seattle Police at 206-625-5011.


48 thoughts to “Pie in Fremont burglarized for the second time in three months”

  1. “She said she doesn’t believe it’s the same burglar ”

    Yeah, probably not the same junkie, a whole new fresh one did this.

  2. Dear everyone that is about to respond and support the criminal that committed this crime,

    Please think about what you’re doing to this town. These crimes are going to continue if you don’t try and stop it. Please. For the love of god. Vote out this city council in 2019.

    Everyone that knows that junkies combined with citizens who will let the junkies do whatever they want spells disaster.

    1. “Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

      More like: desperate to get high. And desperate to avoid having to work for a living. And also, desperate to ditch any responsibilities.

  3. Start taking matters into your own hands, folks. Buy a gun, store it properly, take a class on how to use it effectively.

    And let the derelicts know. WE will defend ourselves, you assholes.

    Learn the laws of self defense. Hopefully you won’t need them.

    1. I’ve got baseball bats leaning next to the front door and in my bedroom. I’m not a gun guy but I’ll go down with a fight, I promise you.

      1. I wasn’t a gun guy until very recently. Actually I had never touched a gun at all.

        But I have a family, and can’t gamble their safety any longer. I live in Ballard.

          1. Only if you account for suicides. If stored properly by sane and lawful homeowners, it’s overwhelmingly to their benefit when it comes to safety.

          2. He drank the Koolaid, there’s no discussion with people like this.

          3. Not sure if you consider the CDC as reputable as healthychildren.org:

            “Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million (Kleck, 2001a), in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008 (BJS, 2010).

            Another body of research estimated annual gun use for self-defense to be much higher, up to 2.5 million incidents, suggesting that self-defense can be an important crime deterrent (Kleck and Gertz, 1995). Some studies on the association between self-defensive gun use and injury or loss to the victim have found less loss and injury when a firearm is used (Kleck, 2001b).”


          4. @ David Robison: do NOT go outside today. Could be a comet coming your way. Only cross the road at intersections. Wash your hands every time you get home. If you tap dance AND clap your hands you may make it rain. Also remember that when taking many medicines the reactions may be worse; you COULD grow a 3rd foot! Our 2nd amendment is 2nd BECAUSE it’s that important. If “you sacrifice your freedoms for security, YOU deserve neither”. Please turn off MSNBC and CNN. The media rarely tells us how may times guns were used in a year to prevent crimes. Just doesn’t fit their agenda, or yours. Yet you will call a person to come, with a gun, who might show up, in 20 some minutes or so, maybe. Quite the tool R U

    1. That, and much stricter laws against illegal encampments of criminals.

      If you have uncovered encampments of criminals, you should report them to SPD.

      Oh wait, you’re just shitposting again, silly me!

      1. They are everywhere and I have called the police, many times. Just last week I witnessed criminal activity at the tent camp at Fred Meyer. I have spoken with FM management about it and they are as frustrated as any business owner in Ballard.

        Shitposting? Because I’m pointing out the incredibly obvious? That criminals are living in tents and RVs In our neighborhoods and the police can’t do a damn thing? Are you paying attention?

        1. They are everywhere and I have called the police, many times. Just last week I witnessed criminal activity at the tent camp at Fred Meyer.

          Did you film it? Send it to the news? Again, if there’s criminal activity rampant around Ballard, people should know about it. Your favorite MyNorthwest would pay top dollar for a video of criminal activity in an encampment.

          Shitposting? Because I’m pointing out the incredibly obvious? That criminals are living in tents and RVs In our neighborhoods and the police can’t do a damn thing? Are you paying attention?

          So above, you say the cops won’t do anything, here you say they can’t do anything. Which is it? It’s hard to pay attention when there’s no coherent flow in your shitposts.

          Also, I’m curious how you know for a fact who is a criminal. I’m sure the SPD would love to have someone with precognition like you join their ranks. Your skills are wasted shitposting 24/7 on neighborhood blogs!

          1. Quality response expected from a shitposting sockpuppet. A++!

            You’re doing God’s work!

          2. Wish I had a dollar for every time you use the term sock puppet. You got some sort of fixation on the term, or is your vocabulary really that limited?

          3. >em>Wish I had a dollar for every time you use the term sock puppet. You got some sort of fixation on the term, or is your vocabulary really that limited?

            Classic, coming from someone who uses the term “junkie” a dozen times a post.

            What else do you call it when you post under many different user handles? If you’ve got a better term, I’ll happily use it.

            Until then you’re just the Resident MyBallard Sockpuppet. Ironically not likely an actual resident of Ballard or even Seattle.

          4. Junkies are real; they are plentiful and they are going in number throughout Ballard and the rest of the City. We, and when I say we I include myself in the collective “we”, can see them, hear them, and often smell them.
            We can see where they camp illegally, park their vans and beater RV’s illegally, and even see them steal stuff from stores all the time, and see where they camp, poop and leave their garbage.

            Sockpuppets, on the other hand, not so much. A sockpuppet is what and who YOU say it is. There’s a credibility gap for you, eh elenchos, MyBallard shill of many names.

          5. Yes, we know you see junkies everywhere. It’s called a mental illness, likely schizophrenia, and you should get it treated.

          6. No one is sock puppeting you. You are delusional truth. Please take your meds and stop hanging out at St. Luke’s. No one likes you.

  4. “Desperate times call for desperate measures. I don’t think it’s right, but I get why it happens when cities go through major and when economics change drastically like they have here.”
    That sounds very conflicted.

    1. People like this business owner have the argument backwards: it’s **because** of all the money flowing through this city that junkies have more cash to get and consume more drugs.

      With an economic downturn, Seattleites might actually start locking their $5,000 mountain bikes in secure areas. Others will think twice about leaving their laptops under the seat in their cars. Why, with a downturn, maybe clueless guilt-ridden rich people will stop giving junkies $10 bills at the off-ramp.

      The problem is addicts having too much access to cash and things they can exchange for cash.

  5. Robbery is a crime! Who ever did this deserves whatever punishment they get, if and when they catch them and I hope they catch them soon.

  6. We have reached a critical point in our society with the mindset that the government, SJW’s and public assistance is going to take care of everything and we need no personal responsibility. When I was a kid (a long time ago) I was taught to look both ways crossing the street and never assume that the cars see you and guess what… I have never been hit by a car. Take a look around you and watch the socially inept morons staring at the screen surgically attached to their palm just walk out in front of you, crosswalk or no crosswalk and flip you off as you slam on the brakes to avoid mowing them down. This is just one example of society giving up and accepting what is now the new normal.

    Hate crimes are not normal.
    “Survival” crimes are not normal.
    Zero basic police protection is not normal.
    Illegal homeless encampments are not normal.
    Innocent bystanders stuck by dirty hypodermics is not normal.
    People shitting in planters on Market Street is not normal.

    Wake up people, the only one that is going to take care of you and your family is you, the sooner you understand that the sooner you can get back to “normal”.

  7. Hi, thanks for your support. Remember, these “crimes” are committed by our most vulnerable community members, therefore, not “crimes” but ‘survival’. Why, I bet those fine fellows who robbed this (likely white-owned, probably cisigendered and therefore not worthy of my support) establishment were just experiencing a period of safelessness. Everyone needs safe! I suggest you all Get Woke, Friends! Big Hobo demands your obedience. And Remember, Vote Salty, Vote O’Brine 2019!

  8. “Whitsitt said they’re seeking video footage from nearby businesses to help identify the burglar”

    What’s the point? The same attitude she displays posing the junkie criminal as some kind of victim… is also pervasive in our current “justice” system. The career criminal junkie will get a couple days in jail – will be released, and will skip their hearing because there are very little consequences for any of those things.

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