Robert Eagle Staff Middle School marching band performs virtual ‘Juice’ by Lizzo

Despite being stuck at home, the marching band at Robert Eagle Staff Middle School has been busy making music together—virtually.

Under the guidance of band director John Aguilar, over a hundred students joined up to create this rendition of Lizzo’s ‘Juice’.

“Even though our school year has been cancelled, we continue to strive towards bringing joy to the world through making music together,” they write on Twitter. “Despite not being in the band room for over a month and a half now, we still got the Juice!”

Thanks for the tip, Hannah!

12 thoughts to “Robert Eagle Staff Middle School marching band performs virtual ‘Juice’ by Lizzo”

          1. It ain’t ellen’s fault that she’s out here gettin’ loose
            Gotta blame it on the Goose!

        1. My favorite line is the song is:

          “Hold up, nig** please, don’t make me have to take your bit** (how I roll).”

          It’s great our school system is encouraging our 12 and 13 year olds listen to this!

          Next up, 50 Cent’s Candy Shop.

    1. its been shown that folks that play an instrument are better prepared for school and life.
      Its clear you never went near an instrument ellen.

  1. A very interesting idea, I am glad that you managed to implement it. Now I am writing my report on how educational practices have changed during the quarantine. Such activities turned out to be very popular, I would really like to cite an image (I definitely need to do citation in IEEE style). That is why I use because I have never done this before in academic work. I wish you to continue to communicate and maintain contact with each other.

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