Whittier Elementary principal retiring

Whittier Elementary will have a new principal next school year. This letter was sent to Whittier families over the weekend.

Dear Whittier Community,

It is with a sense of deep gratitude that I write this letter, gratitude for the three years I will have served as your principal when I end my term on June 30. I have made the decision to retire at the end of this school year.

It has been a busy and productive three years and I believe much has been accomplished. Whittier is a vibrant and wonderful community and it has been my privilege and honor to serve you, your children, and your teachers.

My family is eager to have more of my time and I am eager for time with my husband, my children, and three grandsons, nine years, nine months, and one on the way. It is precious time I long to share more fully.

One of the reasons for announcing my retirement now is to provide ample opportunity for a process that will help identify characteristics of your next leader.

Marni Campbell, Executive Director for the Northwest Region, will be working with PTA leadership to set parameters for community input. Marni is a trusted colleague who has come to know Whittier well as we have worked together this year. I know she will do her very best for the school during this time of transition. Whittier’s Assistant Principal Christine Helm may choose to join a pool of candidates once the selection process has been defined.

But, I am not leaving yet! There is much work to be done and I plan to remain fully engaged through the end of June. I look forward to continued conversations and the daily joy of our shared work in the weeks and months ahead.

As always, thank you so very much for your trust and support.

Linda Jambor Robinson
Whittier Elementary

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