Another Ballard sign goes up

The Ballard Blocks development sure isn’t shy about branding.

A few months ago, it hoisted a big sign above Mike’s Chili. And today, Kevin Schlosser stopped to take this photo of another “Ballard Blocks” sign going up on the building. You can see more photos here. (Thanks Kevin for the photo!)

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

11 thoughts to “Another Ballard sign goes up”

  1. Yeah, real classy. Are they afraid people won't know Ballard Blocks is in Ballard?
    I have nothing against Ballard Blocks, in fact it's nice having a Trader Joe's here, but come on. Reminds me of some of the unnecessarily big neon signs in Vegas. Daqueri! Keno!
    Ooh, look! Big, bright, sign! Let's go in and spend some money!

  2. How about we encourage “Nine Million in Unmarked Bills” to open here instead of the old Triangle, then we can kill two birds with one stone.

  3. Does anyone know if they plan on charging for parking? I went in there yesterday and they have a little ticket booth, not yet in service, but looks to be almost ready for operation.

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