A new crosswalk is coming to the busy and dangerous intersection on 8th Ave NW and NW 73rd St. The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) had originally planned to install the markings this past spring, but now plans to do it next month.
The intersection is dangerous because NW 73rd Street is offset about 100 feet from the east and west sides of 8th Avenue NW, with bus stops for the number 28 on both sides. An SDOT survey found that nearly 30 people cross at that intersection during peak commute times.
The new marked crosswalk will include one new curb ramp on the east side of 8th Avenue NW, and two new curb ramps on the west side.
(Photo courtesy of SDOT)
We will also perform minor sidewalk repair and driveway construction as part of this work. Crews anticipate to start work in mid-September with construction lasting a maximum of five days (three to four days is more likely).
New pedestrian crossing signage will also be installed as well as “No Parking within 30 feet” parking restriction signs.
Residents should anticipate minor traffic delays, temporary parking restrictions, temporary traffic and pedestrian detours, and moderate construction noise and dust while this work is underway.
I'm glad to hear it. I live near that intersection and have to cross it every day to get to the bus stop. I haven't been hit by a car yet (or even been close really), but this should make it a bit safer for everyone crossing there.
I cross at 75th and 8th after getting off the bus each day….typically you have to wave those yellow flags like a crazy person before anyone even thinks about stopping. 8th is just a bad street all around for pedestrians, I hope this new cross walk helps people lower down the street.
I wasn't aware that vehicles on 8th stopped at any of the other crosswalks.
8th is too busy a street, cars rarely stop for pedestrians at the existing crosswalks. Any new crosswalks should be accompanied by a pedestrian activated stoplight only. If someone is killed or hurt in this new crosswalk SDOT personnel should be held accountable.
You're kidding, right? Drivers that don't stop for peds in intersections are accountable.
Really? Obviously it would be the drivers fault if there were an accident but use some common sense. just because a crosswalk exists does not make it safe and if there is a propensity for drivers not to stop or not notice pedestrians then there most likely is a problem with the design or location, not the drivers.
still. not SDOTS fault. Every intersection is a crosswalk anyway, now we've got to spoon feed moronic drivers paint and lights to get them to obey the law?
Actually the crosswalk has always been there. Under Washington law ALL intersections are legally considered to be crosswalks. Doesn't matter if the white lines exist or not. Too bad most motorists in this state are too stupid to realize this!!
Wash state law says: 1) There is a crosswalk at every intersection. 2) Pedestrians have the right of way in a crosswalk. 3) The pedestrian is in the crosswalk as soon as he steps off the curb where the sidewalk meets the curb at an intersection. It is the responsiblity of the pedestrian not to step out into traffic that cannot stop reasonably in time (without making a panic stop) It is the responsiblity of the driver not to speed, to stop for pedestrians, and to pay attention to potential situations ahead. Nowadays most drivers fail routinely on all three counts, and most of them shouldn't be licensed to drive.
“Nowadays most drivers fail routinely on all three counts, and most of them shouldn't be licensed to drive.”
I think you nailed it right there. We'd be much better off if you had to take at least a cursory written exam when you renew your license. It would be a good opportunity to get people refreshed with some of the basics of driving since we certainly don't do it with traffic stops and tickets around here.
Most of the drivers got their license in their teenage years and have been driving for so long that they think they're really good at it. You know how 90% of drivers think they're “above average”? Yet most people don't even know that your legally obligated to stop for a pedestrian at an intersection, that you're supposed to keep right except to pass on the highway, that you can't go the wrong way around a traffic circle to go left, etc…
Sorry, I'm not going to stop for every jacka@@ waiting to cross the road where they damn well please, I don't care what the (unenforced) law is.
I walk all the time, probably 2-3 miles a day. I don't expect cars to stop unless I'm crossing at 1. a light. 2. a marked ped crossing. Otherwise, I wait until the road is clear, then I cross.
I've been trying to get a crosswalk @ 85th and 17th Ave for years, and SDOT won't do it. This is a pedestrian arterial, which is fed from Whitman
Junior High. I've made three calls, over several years time, requesting markings; nothing. Guess a kid will have to get run over before they'll do something. Any ideas?