Free tree-cycling until January 9th

The city is offering free curbside “tree-cycling” until January 9th for customers who subscribe to curbside food and yard waste collection.

Trees and greens need to be cut into sections of no more than six feet with branches trimmed to less than four feet to fit into the collection trucks. Sections of trees should be bundled together with string or twine. Apartment and condo residents can put one tree next to each yard waste bin with no extra charge.

Flocked trees or trees with tinsel on them will be collected as extra garbage. These trees must be cut into three-foot pieces and each piece will be charged as extra garbage. (Just a reminder that starting on January 1, each extra unit of garbage will cost $8.10.)

Residents who don’t subscribe to food and yard waste collection can drop trees and greens at the North Recycling and Disposal station (North 34th Street and Carr Place N) from December 26th through January 9th. Tree sections must be cut into sections eight feet or less with trunks four inches or smaller in diameter. One vehicle can drop off three trees.

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

4 thoughts to “Free tree-cycling until January 9th”

  1. Why is the city bankrolling Christmas celebrators conspicuous consumption? As if cutting down trees every year for giggles isn’t bad enough, now I have to pay for your disposal?

  2. Wow, so you hate Christmas trees and those of us who buy them. Get too much coal in your stocking this year? Christmas must be a real joy at Teddy’s place.

    FYI real trees have less environmental impact than plastic trees and they are grown specifically to be harvested.

  3. WOw, Teddy, looks like your plastic tree is the one screwing up the planet. How about you pay us for all the damage you’re causing:

    “In the most definitive study of the perennial real vs. fake question, an environmental consulting firm in Montreal found that an artificial tree would have to be reused for more than 20 years to be greener than buying a fresh-cut tree annually. The calculations included greenhouse gas emissions, use of resources and human health impacts.

    “The natural tree is a better option,” said Jean-Sebastien Trudel, founder of the firm, Ellipsos, that released the independent study last year.

    The annual carbon emissions associated with using a real tree every year were just one-third of those created by an artificial tree over a typical six-year lifespan. Most fake trees also contain polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, which produces carcinogens during manufacturing and disposal.”

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