The Blue Ridge neighborhood spent a beautiful evening enjoying art created by neighbor kids. Carl as Venus Fly Trap, with Aria and Luna “My five year old, Carl, came up […]
Tag: blue ridge
Neighbors concerned after recent crime spree
In recent weeks, a burglar or burglars have been targeting the Blue Ridge and North Beach areas and concerned neighbors are trying to get the word out. Patty Jahn knows of several people who have had their homes or cars broken into and is worried, “We just want to make sure people are safe,” she says. According to police, many of the burglaries happen between midnight and 4 a.m. while people are sleeping inside. Computers, cars, cell phones, iPods and other electronics have been stolen, police say, adding that only once has a flimsy back door been broken in, otherwise the burglar(s) get in through other means.
We spoke with an officer from the Seattle Police Department who patrols these neighborhoods and says there are things you can do to make yourself a harder target.
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