U-787 hydroplane born in Ballard

Boeing engineers teamed up with the Ellstrom family two years ago to create a high-tech hydroplane right here in Ballard. The U-787 was created in Ellstrom’s Ballard shop, Ellstrom Manufacturing, with the help of some of the best aerodynamic brains in the world. And because the Ellstroms could create custom parts right on the spot, the U-787 has a distinct technology advantage. Well see, of course, what happens this weekend at Seafair.

Adds Joel in comments: “When you drive by their quaint little space down there on Ballard Way, you’d have no idea that such high-tech stuff was going on behind those doors. I don’t know how many people that frequent this blog care about this sport, but having grown up here, just a few blocks away from Ole Bardahl, I still await Seafair Sunday every year!”

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

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