Deadline extended for neighborhood survey

The city has extended the deadline to fill out the neighborhood survey.

As we wrote yesterday, Ballard/Crown Hill had filled out nearly 200 surveys. Today, our neighborhood has filled out 476. If you haven’t had a chance to complete the survey (found here,) the Planning Commission has extended the deadline until next Friday, August. 21st.

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

3 thoughts to “Deadline extended for neighborhood survey”

  1. I wonder why so many people from Ballard are taking this survey?

    I took it because I'm annoyed at all of the condos going in with no improvements in transit or road access to Ballard. The condos are pretty empty right now, but if they fill up we are all going to be living in a commuting nightmare!

    I also wanted to say how much I love the new library and skatepark.

    Thanks for keeping us informed, myballard!!!

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