Whittier Heights salmon feed Friday

The Whittier Heights Community Council is holding a salmon feed this Friday for Whittier Heights neighbors to get to know each other. The event will be held in the Whittier Elementary cafeteria from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The cost is $7 for adults, $5 for kids and $18 for families. Depending on the weather, dinner may be followed by an outdoor movie. The WHCC is still looking for a few volunteers to help out on Friday. Contact Brad Wakeman (brad@lakere.com) if you can help in the kitchen, with the BBQ, be a ticket taker, help clean up or help set up the movie.

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

4 thoughts to “Whittier Heights salmon feed Friday”

  1. “salmon bake” would sound better. “salmon feed” makes me think of livestock somehow. Or maybe people feeding salmon. Which I don't think is actually the case…

  2. there was an old man named Cosmo
    who felt held back by semantics. I Know!
    But he left down big fence.
    and had no defence,
    but to have a good time at the FEED

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