Ballard Bridge inspected after small quake

1:15pm update: Crews have finished their inspections and found no damage.

Original report: You probably didn’t feel the 3.4 quake near Duvall around 5:20 this morning, but that small shaker has crews out inspecting the Ballard Bridge and the Magnolia Bridge.  SDOT calls those bridges “indicator posts” that show if further inspections need to be done across the city.  While some crews may be seen on the deck on the Ballard Bridge this morning, most of the inspection of the Magnolia Bridge will take place under the structure.

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

One thought to “Ballard Bridge inspected after small quake”

  1. Were the quakes strong enough to break open the Earth’s crust, and absorb the bums and their Safeway Cart City into the depths of Hades?

    No? Oh well, we tried. :(

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