Shots fired near Ballard High

Police officers responded to a report of a drive-by shooting behind the 6700 block of 15th Ave, near Ballard High School, just before noon. One person sustained minor injuries, and police are out searching the area.

Update: As a precaution, Ballard High “sealed all exterior doors, leaving one primary point of entrance and exit that is monitored by a staffer,” reports the Seattle Times. There are no reports of any arrests.

Update: Apparently this began as a heated exchange between a man walking down the street and people in a black four-door car. “At least one man got out of the car with a pistol in one hand and a baseball bat in the other,” reports the PI. The man fired twice, resulting in a superficial leg wound, and got back in the car and drove off. (Yikes, this isn’t too far away from where we live.)

Geeky Swedes

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