As is customary, the house on 32nd Ave. and 57th St. is adorned with flags.
Just about every Fourth of July and Memorial Day, the owner covers every square yard of his property with American flags. (Thanks Matt for the photos!)
13 thoughts to “Flags celebrate the Fourth”
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plastic flags
Makes up for all the people around here who don't bother putting a flag out. Thanks.
and in the past 9/11. i hope this year is included.
Not all of those flags in that photo are hung according to the standard of flag etiquette which I was taught as a child, just an FYI. I think it's less impressive to see someone decorate their yard in flags like they are meaningless Christmas decorations than for someone to feel grateful for and patriotic toward our country but not to hang a flag at all because they don't have all the right materials to hang it according to respectful guidelines (which apparently have long since been forgotten by the majority of people in our nation).
Puh-lease…the majority of folks in Ballard who don't put flags out are not doing it out of consideration of flag etiquette. It's laziness and a discomfort with the flag. As a liberal, I find it embarrassing to see folks unwilling to hang the American flag on one day of the year but who'll hang a rainbow or peace flag all year long.
I respectfully disagree with BallardMoM. I took the photo, and while doing so, said hello to the home owner. I certainly didn't get the sense then, nor do I from the photo now, that those flags are meaningless to him – quite the opposite. I'll bet that fellow loves his county and, who knows, may well have sacrificed a good deal for it. Let's appreciate what is really special about his tradition rather than viewing it cynically or with suspicion. The man is obviously celebrating his county this Independence Day in at least as meaningful a way as I or anyone I know was doing (I sat on the beach!) – more power to him and happy 4th to you and all our fellow Ballardians!
I have photos of this gentleman's yard from last Memorial Day; and I spent some time visiting with him. Please understand that while etiquette may or may not be followed, this is a man who loves and respects his country. Too many of us blow off the day as just another day off – this man does not. Thank you sir – agree or disagree with his politics, he values the fact that we get to agree or disagree…
Wow Ballardmom. You posted in another thread that a person has the “freedom” to keep their pet's ashes in their car, however strange to others. However you criticize the etiquette of a person, who obviously loves their country and actively demostrates it by putting AMERICAN flags out ?? It's not like this guy was putting Kim Jon Il flags in his yard. Insane logic in my opinion. BTW, I do think a person has the right to keep their pets ashes in their car. Thank you FREEDOM.
How many of those flags were made in China
I was happy to see more flags up this year than normal. Liberals, perhaps it is time that we reclaim the flag and realize that it was a hard won symbol of our freedoms. Sometimes it felt like the flag was “hijacked” by the “other” party, but now I realize our flag was ALWAYS there, it never was taken away from us during the Bush dark years and the flag is always ours to fly. Even if we don't agree with all policies we can at least believe the flag represents the better part of all of us:
“And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?''
(Flag etiquette is important – but it should not prevent one from flying a flag if they feel moved to fly it IMHO)
Your comments are like watching Oprah – preachy and condescending.
I was thinking the same thing…
That was a reply to JustAsking…(just saying)