Emergency repairs on Aurora Bridge today

The Seattle Department of Transportation is closing two northbound lanes on the Aurora Bridge from 12:30-2pm today. The left and center lanes will be closed for emergency, temporary expansion joint repairs. The right lane will stay open for traffic.

Geeky Swedes

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5 thoughts to “Emergency repairs on Aurora Bridge today”

  1. Saw the damage last night. Looked like 8-10 of concrete broke up along to the metal joints. Center lane southbound. Hopefully nobody drove over that hole. Looked like it could do some serious damage.

  2. I drove over it earlier in the evening (5:30-ish) in my little Toyota Echo, and it made a bit of a clunk. At that point it just looked like a deep seam, but it wasn't visible until it was too late. Luckily, the hole wasn't that big yet. Later that evening when we came back through at about 8:30, there was a pile of rubble guarded by a police car with a truck coming to deal with it.

  3. I hate to spread rumors, but I'm a little too tired to look it up… isn't this the same bridge design as the one that collapsed in the midwest last year?

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