Today is election day

Don’t forget that today is the primary and special election.

Just a reminder that this is a mail-only election. If you haven’t voted and dropped your ballot in the mail yet, here is voter information. The Ballard Service Center (5604 22nd Ave NW) will be accepting ballots until 8 p.m. Other drop off locations around the city can be found here.

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

38 thoughts to “Today is election day”

  1. All we get is the SOS different day/month/year around here. So much for “change”. Voting with ones feet/$$'s seems to be a better referendum. Zero conservative thought anywhere to be found but yet so tolerant and inclusive. Today is tax freedom day. Yup, in August. What a country.

  2. I for one am looking forward to the hypocrisy of voters voting for No Solutions McGinn, who previously wondered how Bush got re-elected. Both run/ran on useless slogans, both display the same intelligence, just opposite extremes of each party. McGinn's 9/11 is “he rides a bicycle!”

    If he gets elected we'll fill internet forums with how nothing ever gets done and wonder how it continues to happen…without looking in the mirror.

    The best part is in his fuzzy math on the viaduct, his non-replacement of the viaduct
    the cost difference is negligible compared to the underground option we've spent the last 8 years deciding is the best option. Reason: regardless of whether we build the tunnel, we still need to replace the seawall which is the biggest expense. We might as well use the economies of scale and put a road down there while we're digging anyway. Especially when the Feds are giving us billions to do it.

    Now pause before the right wing craz…I mean left wing critical mass crazies attack.

  3. Funny, because all we hear from you is the SOS different day/month/year despite the fact you had 8 years to create your no taxes, free market utopia..and look how wonderful it turned out.

    I invite you to vote with your feet and move to an industrialized country with a lower tax rate. Or since you don't walk the walk, please cite an industrialized country with a lower tax rate.

  4. I did my research and made my decisions. God I hate politics. It was boring, boring, boring! But it's done now, and in the mail.

    On to more enjoyable things, like work! ;-)

  5. I miss my neighborhood precinct voting.
    Plus I tampered with my own ballot when I didn't place my ballot in my security envelope as advised if I would have read the directions.
    The seniors and neighbors at my precinct were always so helpful and reassuring.
    I feel alone.

  6. “despite the fact you had 8 years to create your no taxes, free market utopia”
    hmmm, that's kinda simple, not.
    And it wasn't happening here at all, you've had 30 years to develop your 'nanny state' bs here, and we are so much better off now…
    Can't wait for it to go nation wide.
    Still, let's all blame GWB. Yeah I feel better…

  7. I like the mail-in voting. This way I can change my mind before voting. It gives me more time to think and re-think. And, as everyone who knows me will tell you, I'm a slow thinker.

  8. Where were all these neighborly voting booths?
    Before I went 'absentee' I lived in Greenwood and my voting center was in the meeting room of some apartment building. Nobody talked, few smiled, and the only thing handed out were stickers saying I voted. It was actually kind of unpleasant and depressing.

  9. i try to bring my own fun.
    both of the ones in this town were in church meeting halls, in other cities I voted at schools and fire stations and town halls.

  10. Actually, I tried to bring in my compact CD player w/ headphones the last time I voted there but they wouldn't let me bring it into the booth with me. I'm still not sure why.

  11. I wonder why that would be. Were you just told that was the rule and rules are rules?
    I like the old time flip switch voting booth where you were curtained away. When you pull the lever to register all your votes the curtain flew open. Such a satisfying sound. Such a reveal!

  12. You see Washington is a state and as such has Federal Taxes. The Federal Taxes are paid by citizens of the state. Ergo, when the income tax changes at the Federal level for a small wealthy elite it does so for the citizens in the state of Washington as well.

    The State of Washington did not deregulate the finance industry, or remove the watchdogs (see SEC appointees under GWB), the Federal Government did that.

    Let me know what additional middle school civic lessons you require, and I'll do my best to simplify them for you.

  13. whoa, barney fwank, and his senate regulatory committee did that, and the FDIC played along. (WHY?!?!?)
    Because they are appointed, not voted in.
    Oh, and he was sleeping with that clown on the board of 'Fannie my ass' at that time. (no lie)(plenty of book deals)
    He 'still' has a seat on the Senate, which taints the Senate to this day.
    I won't blame the Feds for what ails this community, but I will say, we get what we deserve here as well.
    30 years of nanny state, hardly fertile ground for self responsibility. More like, to all those responsible, we will raise your taxes, or you have no parks, etc. etc. etc.
    (and don't you dare complain about who inhabits your parks)

  14. I was just told I couldn't wear them inside the booth. They were fine with me standing outside of it waiting for my turn just not in the booth. I think maybe the guy was just on a power trip.
    I don't remember the lever pulleys. But I didn't register to vote until my mid-twenties. By then we were on 'chads.'

  15. ok, I'll clarify for you.
    Many miss the community aspect of polling places.
    Many feel alone as a result.
    Nothing else inferred there, fwiw.

  16. I get the same thing when I'm playing cards.
    But, rules are rules ;-)
    Perhaps they didn't trust you to play your own hand?
    Heartbreaking, to say the least, I never thought of voting as a gamble…

  17. If McGinn gets elected we can say goodbye to businesses as they wave to us on their way out of town.

    The surface-transit option is an idea that should have been killed and buried long ago. But it's like a jack-in-the-box that keeps popping its clownish head up.

  18. I, too, forgot to place the ballot in the security envelope before placing inthe bigger envelope. I called King County Elections and they said as long as the outer envelope is sealed there should be no problem.

  19. It'll be really tragic if we're left with either Nickels or McGinn. As stupid as the surface option is the tunnel is equally stupid for different reasons. Do either of them ever even travel via viaduct?
    McGinn has given me many other different reasons not to vote for him.

  20. again – eeeew!
    “whole roll of cheese” ?
    on this a hot summer day?
    I heading out for a walk past my old precinct voting spot – tears rolling down my cheeks.

  21. again – eeeew!
    “whole roll of cheese” ?
    on this a hot summer day?
    I heading out for a walk past my old precinct voting spot – tears rolling down my cheeks.

  22. Agreed, I ran into Fuzzy Math McGinn last week at the Ballard Market. All he told the vendors there is that he was with the Sierra Club and endorsed by them. I'm pretty sure the Sierra Club would cry at the way we would have removed the snow (it's a habitat!) had anyone with common sense been in charge while the City was stuck for two weeks under a measly couple inches.
    I don't think he is aware of half the issues, the half he is aware of can be solved in his mind by riding a bike.

  23. true, but I kinda like the radically higher participation numbers from mail in voting. People being involved in the process and actually voting also builds a sense of community.
    Voting by mail doesn't mean you still can't say hi to the old folks! ;)

  24. Even if they weren't going to use salt the least they could have done was plow 85th before it turned into an icy tundra. The mayor and his boyos did nothing useful.
    And for the record, the Sierra Club endorses just about everyone. If you've ever planted a tree they'll endorse you. McGinn just doesn't have much else.

  25. Aw come on, if you think 'gay' has anything to do with my objection to the policies allowed, you don't know me at all.
    Fwank, can do what he wants with himself, I object to the past 8 years, under his leadership, of the FDIC.
    Yeah, not just GWB (hetro homophobe), the whole lot of them. Don't pin the gay thing on me.
    Gay or strait, you screw this country, I'll call you on it.
    Mickey, same goes for you. I don't care what you prefer as an individual, it doesn't matter, it should never matter.
    Don't EVER call me anything but passionate, or stupid, or whatever. Homophobe? Not hardly.

  26. “Let me know what additional middle school civic lessons you require, and I'll do my best to simplify them for you.”

    Rich. Thanks for that too, I'd guess I got a whole lota learnin ta do…
    If you need any 'real world' info, I'll be here pal.

  27. Chopper –

    Then why do you always refer to him as Barney “Fwank”, instead of “Frank”, which is his name? It's at least the third time I've noticed you do that.

    Please enlighten me as to what your use of “Fwank” signifies.

    FTR, I'm a straight gal, not that there's anything wrong with that…


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