Guess the Dow, help raise money for Art Corps

With a goal of raising $15,000 for Seattle’s Arts Corps, Chow Foods restaurants, including Ballard’s Hi-Life are turning to their customers to guess what the Dow will close at on October 29th, the 80th anniversary of Black Thursday. For a buck (suggested donation), customers can take a stab at it. The person who guesses closest to, but not above, the bell ringing number will win that amount in Chow Foods gift cards. For example, if the dow closes at 9952.42, then the winner will receive $9,952.42 in gift cards. On Wednesday night from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m., all menu items will be priced at or below that day’s close, which means there may not be any dishes more than $10. House wine, microbrews and well drinks will be priced at Nasdaq’s closing price. (All the rules here. The Hi-Life is a sponsor of MyBallard.)

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

3 thoughts to “Guess the Dow, help raise money for Art Corps”

  1. Come in and guess the Dow so we can raise as much as possible for Arts Corps. Keep in mind that 100% of the cash raised from your guesses goes directly to Arts Corps. This evening will also be the swan song of our “blue plate specials” that we have been featuring for the past year. In the darkest days of March, we were selling our blue plates for $6.70, but with the Dow cresting at 10,000, these plates aren't the screaming deals that they were.
    Hope to see you at the Hi-Life

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