Four projects recommended for city funding

Four projects have been submitted by the Ballard District Council to the city for funding through the Bridging the Gap Large Project Fund. Every three years the voter-adopted Bridging the Gap Large Project Fund comes around, bringing $4.5 million city-wide to fund neighborhood-generated transportation projects. In 2007, Ballard received $335,000 to rebuild the sidewalks in the Ballard Avenue Historic District. During this funding cycle, the BDC

This year, the BDC appointed a four-member review committee to study 11 requests. The committee came up with nine criteria to determine what their recommendations would be. One project, a new traffic signal at Leary Way NW at 20th Ave NW was tossed out because the Seattle Department of Transportation is working on changes to this area.

Rob Mattson, the Ballard District Coordinator sent the following projects to the city, in priority order, for review:

  • Walkway – 13 Ave NW walkway between NW 85th and Holman Road and a spur on NW 90th from 13 NW to 14 Ave NW
  • Walkway – 13 Ave NW North from Holman road to NW 100 (minus the block adjacent to Holman)
  • Walkway – 17 / 18 NW between NW 85 and NW 90
  • -Funding is intended to provide a safe pedestrian connection between NW 85th and NW 90th, utilizing and improving the existing pedestrian pathway between NW 89th and NW 90th. This project, through a neighborhood petition, proposed a walkway developed along 18 NW between NW 85 & NW 89. Developing this walkway on 17 Ave NW (NW 85 to NW 89) may be a reasonable alternative.

  • 14th Ave NW visioning project – Bridging the Gap funds will be used to supplement resources from the Parks Open Space Levy to develop this community generated proposal.
  • The first three projects were submitted by the review committee, but after discussion during last week’s meeting, the BDC approved the fourth project if the funds are available. The city now reviews the proposed projects from each of the district councils and will determine where the money goes.

    Geeky Swedes

    The founders of My Ballard

    One thought to “Four projects recommended for city funding”

    1. I'm hoping that the southern end of 14th doesn't get much done to it. I like the rough and tumble character. A little of Old Ballard that's not quite civilized.

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