Adams Reads the Same Book event Friday

For the last six weeks, all 400 students at Adams Elementary have been reading George Shannon’s Stories to Solve: Folktales from Around the World. To finish up the third annual “Adams Reads the Same Book” program, Shannon has been invited by Secret Garden Books (2214 NW Market) and the Adams PTA to talk with students, families and the community about several of his books.

Students have also been asked by librarian Marlene Friend to create a “book reaction” to show off at Friday’s event. This could be a painting, poem, skit or artistic expression which will be displayed during the event.

The free reading and discussion is this coming Friday, Feb. 5th at 7 p.m. at Adams Elementary (6110 28th Ave. NW.)

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

2 thoughts to “Adams Reads the Same Book event Friday”

  1. My first mistake, if it was one, was to wear my favorite sweater to Secret Garden Books– a black wool turtleneck. I felt so sensual, just sitting there, nude from the waist down, reading to all of the highly-caffinated Ballard families.

    The real question: Ballardite of the Month or soon-to-be outcast?

    I exhaled deeply; I fumbled. I bit my lip; I raised my eyebrow. I smiled to myself.


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