As you’re going through your closet on Friday morning trying to decide what to wear, why not wear red? It is National Wear Red Day, afterall. The day is part of the American Heart Association’s “Go Red for Women” program, a campaign to increase awareness and lessen the risk of heart disease, the number one killer among women.
As you’re driving around town you might also see several buildings glowing red. For the next three days the Pacific Science Center, along with 200 other building across the country, will “Go Red” to stand in solidarity with women and the fight against heart disease.
I guess that it's good then that this whole state is in the red…
not to mention those who wish they lived in a 'Red' state (see above)
This is more important than petty politics, guys.
Thanks for letting me know about this. I'll wear the only shirt I have that isn't black. ;-)
why just “go red for women”?
doesn't heart disease affect men just as much?
seems a bit sexist to me.
Not sexist. For years, heart research has been devoted to men only. Not of the subjects were female. So all we know about heart disease is based on a man's experience, and all this time women were dying from heart disease at the rate of one every minute. Men knew to look for heart symptoms… but if a woman showed up at the hospital with chest pain, she was told to go home because she had anxiety.
Friday February 26th, is National-Wear-Black-for-Johnny-Cash's-birthday-day. And also the day his last album Rick Rubin recorded album is released I believe.
Wear blue in September for prostate cancer. Will Crystal Springs change the color of their delivery trucks from pink to baby blue? Somehow I doubt it.
Finally a color I have! Marking that one on the calendar. Thanks!
Or you could do what I'm doing. All of my red today is in jewelry form. :-)
I'm wearing red. My mom died from a heart issue years ago that was pretty much discounted by her cardiologist. It will be 20 years in March- she was 36.
Isn't Friday the day that most labor unions wear red?
Specifically, I know the CWA wears red on Friday and I think Black on Tuesday.