Goldens seen running loose, taken to shelter

If you’re the owner of one or two missing Golden Retrievers, they have been taken to the animal shelter. BallardChick writes in the forum:

I was driving down 32nd and 85th today when I encountered two goldens running around the road and in peoples gardens. I pulled over and they were friendly enough. One had a collar, no tags. The other had no collar and had rolled in something super stinky (I had to drive with all the windows open just to be able to breathe)! I have taken them both down to the animal shelter. So, if you are the owner of these dogs, that’s where they are, and I would appreciate a car detailing :)

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

15 thoughts to “Goldens seen running loose, taken to shelter”

  1. it's just a little presumptious to assume the dogs' owner should pay to have your car detailed ($120?)

    how do we know your car wasn't a rat's nest to begin with?

    what if these dogs had just escaped a few minutes before? I think they should've been let be. God knows there's enough cats roaming around for them to chase.

  2. I'm glad you took them to the shelter. They are overly friendly to cars driving by. I slammed my brakes on 65th last Friday when one of the two dogs ran infront of my truck. It was instinct, If I had given it thought I would of kept going and hit the dog cause I took the risk of getting rear ended by another car behind me paying good attention not too.

    Who ever owns these dogs has a problem with them getting loose. This is the 2nd time I have heard and witnessed it.

    Oh yeah and I kind of agree with the poster above. Get some febreze lol

  3. Diarama-boy, did you not notice the smiley-faced emoticon at the end of her message? I believe that means she was trying to add the line about the car-detailing as a light-hearted addendum to a not-very-funny situation. Stray or unleashed dogs are not to be tolerated even for “a few minutes.” They can wreak havoc or get seriously injured (or killed.) BallardChick did the right thing.

  4. actually in internet lingo a ;-) means joking/sarcasm… :) is just a smiley.

    personally, I would have let them continue to roam. Seems like the majority of everyone here, including the original poster, believe the pet owner is irresponsible. And as much as I hate seeing pet owners be irresponsible (it isnt fair to the pets)… Its up to them to kennel/fence/leash/corral their dogs, and if not, then face the consequences… which could include them having to scrap their dead dogs off the street. Maybe that would wake up the “irresponsible” pet owners.

    OR if you do a good deed… it is just that, a good deed… I mean, do you only do something for another person if you have something to gain? That's being an opportunist, not a good Samaritan… and no one should expect anything from it.

  5. I live on 32nd and I think those might be our neighbors dogs. I'm not sure of the exact address, but they're in between 80th and 85th on the water side of the street. Maybe 8301 or 8303? It's to the right of the house with the grey cement wall at the entrance. The house has a circular drive, dark, older looking, lots of trees. I've put two golden retrievers back in their yard previously, but I don't know them. I would go tell them for you, but I'm in London at the moment.

  6. If you ever see a loose dog, please please please take it to the shelter, if you can't house it until you find the owner. To leave a dog loose is asking for it to be hit, which is something the animal, not having the power to reason, does not deserve, plus it's dangerous and a trauma for the driver. Also, the owners will get a fine for having loose dogs, which is a great insentive for keeping them in!

  7. I think I might have picked up these same dogs once. One of them had a dog license on his tag, so I called the Seattle Animal Shelter and they were able to put me in touch w/ the owner. Either way – getting them to the nearest shelter IS the best option, as they could cause all kinds of trouble running loose.

  8. A lot of people seem to think she should have left the dogs where they were. There's some ugly sentiment along the lines of “if they get hit, too bad for the owner”.

    a) Perhaps the negligent owner does deserve to feel a loss like this; but
    b) the dogs do not deserve death, and
    c) the driver who hits them doesn't deserve that misery, and
    d) the other people potentially involved in the accident don't deserve that, either.

  9. really? Let them run? hit a dog not to get rear ended?
    1. where is the compassion for a living creature?
    2. You have insurance for your car, and I presume you are not going fast enough, on the streets of ballard, for a fender bender to be life threatening to either cars drivers.
    3. I have 2 dogs. They have gotten out twice. Once kids left the door ajar. Once they dug out of the yard. Oops, accidents do happen. These things can happen to the most well meaning people. Dogs or their owners don't deserve death.

  10. diarrhea-boy

    A good dead, and a humorous comment, while informing the neighbors of what they had done, facing a lot of unknowns. It's too bad that we don't really think things through to the point of doing nothing, like most of you a$$-hats would prefer. 'God knows', there's plenty of stupid for you to chase around.

    And while we are speculating, how do we know that these dogs weren't yours? I'd think they would be better off being adopted, cared for by someone with a clue.
    It only takes a few minutes for tragedy to occur, and frankly, how would anyone know if they had been loose for twenty minutes or twenty hours. And no tags???
    They should throw the owner in the pound. IMHO.

  11. I like at 27th & 77th and my beloved dog is a BOLTER. Inside and in the yard, he obeys and is the most wonderful sweet dog in the world. If someone lets him out accidentally, he is a wild dog, dodging in front of cars and running around. If you chase him, he goes further. The only option is to wait for him to come home.

    We have been to Ahimsa, had private dog trainers, even bought a whole system on the internet… nothing works. So, we’re just SUUUUPER careful about keeping doors and gates closed. Invariably, four times a year, out he goes and my heart sinks each time.

    The looks and sharp words I get from neighbors I don’t know are ASTOUNDING. Yes, I understand how dangerous it is for the dog and drivers. Nobody understands that more than me!! He’s not an aggressive dog and doesn’t make trouble with anyone, other dogs, or dig in yards. He just runs like a maniac.

    This person did the right thing by delivering the dogs to the shelter and posting about it and shouldn’t be given a hard time for half-jokingly desiring a car detail. Why are blogs so frequently outlets for people to be so abhorrent to one another? It’s a neighborhood blog and each time I read the comments, I shake my head and wonder how small some people’s lives must be to unleash anonymously at others.

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