$5,000 stolen from North Beach home

A homeowner in North Beach (2300 block of NW 99th Street) got an unwelcome surprise when he opened his safe this week.  He called police after finding that someone had stolen $5,000 and a pistol from the safe.  The last time he’d thoroughly checked out the safe was back in January.  The key was kept on top of the safe for easy access, and the resident also admitted that he frequently leaves the door open.  The homeowner told police that several cars have also been broken into in the neighborhood lately.

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

20 thoughts to “$5,000 stolen from North Beach home”

  1. Lock up your guns. State law will potentially find you liable if you leave a gun unlocked. Lock up that gun, and you’ve shown an effort to keep it unavailable, even if they break into the safe. What is the point of a safe with a key on top?

    Most likely someone who knew of this did the break-in. The people should look hard at who would have known.

  2. holy crap. are you an idiot? a pistol and $5k in an unlocked/open safe.

    i say a fool and his money are soon parted. tough lesson to learn, maybe next time you’ll think twice about keeping the key to your safe ON TOP OF THE FREAKING SAFE!

  3. Yeah, you moron, dontcha realize it’s a crime to have stuff and want to hold onto it? How dare you. You have got to be nice like our politicians and just give the house away. In fact I feel Safeway should have a free bin due to high costs and higher unemployment. Stealing is just so 2009. Ever hear of Ing direct?

  4. Oh please are you going to post a story every time someone gets ripped off, or is it just because its substantial….MORON. People get ripped up for far less reportable and far more in terms of their own well being and its never news. “Liberal media” is a bunch of hoo-ha put out by paranoid, anti-social zealots….

  5. “I’m less concerned for their loss and more concerned their gun is floating around now”

    the gun’s not a problem, it’s the ***hole who has it I’m worried about.

  6. The thief now has a firearm. Bad all around.

    The person burglarized is now potentially liable, if the criminal goes and shoots someone with that gun.

    Washington state law supports gun rights of the individual, but only if you lock them up properly.

  7. Last night I left my car from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. just off Market behind Azteca. My passenger window was smashed in while I was gone. I was a little bit surprised that this happened on a fairly busy street. Oh well . . . life in the big city. I can’t do anything about it now except remind others to be careful.

  8. “but only if you lock them up properly.”

    So how’s that going to help you when they kick in your front door?

    FYI you do NOT have to keep a firearm locked up in WA State.

  9. ” life in the big city.”

    If you think Ballard is a big city you need to get out more….it’s little more than a suburb of a small town. We should not simply shrug our shoulders and accept crime.

  10. “person burglarized is now potentially liable, if the criminal goes and shoots someone with that gun.”

    Not in Washington State. Read up on your law a little.

  11. keeping a gun and valuables in a safe with a key on top is about as smart as putting it in a desk drawer with a sign that says “valuable stuff in here”. and yes, the guy isn’t going to be liable for crimes commited with his stolen gun given that it is not a WA requirement that a firearm be kept locked up, and while he was being foolish he wasn’t being overly negligent. it does tarnish the cause of us responsible gun owners however, and i hate to hear about stuff like this happening. as far as having a gun readily accesible for self defense in case of a home-invasion, why store it in the first place that a crook is going to head for? that just doesn’t make any kind of sense.

  12. Responsible gun ownership and common sense would make you lock your gun in a safe when you leave your home. Period. Whether dictated by law or not. People with guns say they are anti crime and yet put a large percentage of guns in criminal hands by irresponsible STUPID storage. It would be justice of a sort if the next crime the gun was used in was breaking back into this victims house to get the next batch of cash rather than robbing someone that didn’t put a gun into criminal hands. Stupid gun owners are often the best reason to tighten gun laws.

  13. “People with guns say they are anti crime and yet put a large percentage of guns in criminal hands by irresponsible STUPID storage”


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