Michael, one of the victims of last month’s fire in Ballard, is recovering from his injuries and sent us this note to share:
Picture from the house fire on July 22.
I wanted to let people know that I’m recovering and doing well. I was the one who had to jump out the second story window of the building that was on fire in Ballard on July 22 at 2356 NW 67th St. I broke many bones in my left foot, including my ankle on both sides, and several bones in my right foot. It will be a while before I can walk, but I’m very grateful everyone made it out of the building alive. I’ve seen many stories and lots of reader comments and I don’t know of any way to let people know that I’m grateful for their concern, their prayers and their support.
Glad to hear your recovery is going well. Broken bones in both feet – you have nothing to stand on.
Get well soon!
Thank you everyone!
(btw, I’m the one who jumped.)