Neighbors help Tarasco reopen after fire

Just two days after a fire hit Tarasco restaurant (1452 NW 70th St.), they’re reopening for business.

We spoke with the owner today who says he couldn’t open so quickly without help from the community. “I have a lot of loyal customers and close friends,” Tony Cuevas tells us. “Everybody pitched in, that’s how I could do so much repair in such a short time. I’m very grateful for all these people.”

The plan is to open by 4 p.m. today, karaoke starts at 9 p.m. Thanks Karaoke Kurt for putting together and sending us the above video. (Thanks, Mike for the tip!)

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

6 thoughts to “Neighbors help Tarasco reopen after fire”

  1. actually, I thought the video was HILLARIOUS!

    I thought it was going to be some sappy footage of the neighbors, but the karaoke part was unexpected… and very funny.

  2. I wonder if KOMO 4 gave approval for their news footage to be used in a rather tacky ad spot? Or the Doors for that matter. I’m thinking not. This ad seems to have a general lack of respect on several different fronts.

    While I’m glad they have not suffered long term damages from this fire, this just really seems inappropriate in a hard to specify way.

  3. Tarasco and Karaoke Kurt Entertainment would like to thank and all the people who came out and supported us! Appologize to the people about the tackyness of the video. It was a satire attempt of Hot Karaoke.

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