Just north of the Ballard Bridge is a local non-profit that helps the homeless – and they’re asking for your help.
The Bridge Care Center, which is associated with Quest Church in Interbay, has only been open a couple of months at 1516 NW 51st Street. They have a clothing bank, a computer center and offer counseling/case management services.
“We’ve been providing free clothing to around 50 people per week and expect the numbers to increase as the recession deepens and the weather worsens,” Rita Weinstein with The Bridge Care Center tells us. “You’d be both surprised and saddened by the stories we hear from people who never expected to be without jobs and a roof over their heads.”
With the temps dropping, they are looking for cold weather clothing for men and women, blankets, backpacks and sleeping bags. You can donate on Tuesdays from 2 to 6 p.m. and Thursdays 10 to 2 p.m.