The “polls” closed at 8 o’clock last night. The big story of the election is that voters have decided to get the state out of the liquor business. Here is a look at the early results (updated at 6:30 a.m.) from the Washington State Secretary of State:
Initiative Measure 1183 Concerning liquor: beer, wine, and spirits (hard liquor).
59.69% Yes
40.31% No
Initiative Measure 1125 Concerning state expenditures on transportation.
49.07% Yes
50.93% No
Initiative Measure 1163 Concerning long-term care workers and services for elderly and disabled people.
66.77% Yes
33.23% No
Senate Joint Resolution 8205 Concerning the length of time a voter must reside in Washington to vote for president and vice president.
71.45% Yes
28.55% No
Senate Joint Resolution 8206 Concerning the budget stabilization account maintained in the state treasury.
66.88% Yes
33.12% No
From King County Elections:
City of Seattle Proposition No. 1 Regular Tax Levy Including Families and Education
58.57% Yes
41.43% No
City of Seattle Transportation Benefit District Proposition No. 1 Increased Vehicle License Fee
39.55% Yes
60.45% No
Seattle City Council results can be found here.
Seattle School Board results can be found here.
As early as the end of February in the Northern hemisphere, trees, grasses, and weeds release pollen into the air in order to reproduce.