Speak up about street trees

Updated: Our apologies. The community meeting on this was January 11th. We had it mismarked on our calendar for February 11th.

As Dave Boyd writes in comments, “Actually, the meeting was Jan. 11 and there they said that it will be going to Council later this spring, so there should be additional opportunities to comment.”

Earlier:The Seattle Department of Transportation is gathering feedback on a proposed street tree ordinance (.pdf). The current ordinance has been in place since February 1961. “The intent of the ordinance update is to provide greater protection to street trees, and to codify current policies and procedures,” the website states.

The Seattle Department of Transportation is seeking community feedback regarding protecting and preserving street trees. The proposed ordinance will address protection and preservation; restrictions on tree removal; requirements for replacements; new requirements for private tree companies; and will strengthen penalties for violations.

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

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