Tonight is the monthly Ballard District Council meeting, held at the Ballard Public Library meeting room (5614 22nd Ave NW) from 7 to 8:40 p.m. The meeting is open to the public.
Here is the agenda:
7 p.m. – Announcements and introductions
7:15 – 2012 NPF (Neighborhood Projects Fund) – four proposals to be considered at the meeting.
7:35 – Implementing Ballard’s D Line – Rapid Ride Metro service to come to 15th Ave. later this year.
7:50 – Staff Report
7:55 – Report – Executive Committee
- Central Ballard Resident Association – application for Ballard DC membership.
- Report – transit zone consolidation work group
- Update – Ballard Prepares
8 p.m. – What the Future Could Hold for Transit Service in our Community, presented by Julie Johnson, UW School of Architecture and a team of students from the UW. They will present concepts for how Ballard can best be served by public transit resources.
8:30 – Adjourn
8:30-9 – Open house. Those in attendance will have an opportunity to take a close up look at the data and at the concepts which the UW student teams developed for specific locations.