TOMS shoes “One Day Without Shoes” barefoot walk tomorrow in Ballard

Tomorrow, Tuesday April 10 at noon, the Horseshoe Boutique in Ballard is hosting a barefoot walk from the Ballard Locks back to their store at 5344 Ballard Ave NW. The “One Day Without Shoes” walk is part of an event put on by Los Angeles-based TOMS, a shoe company that, for every pair bought, sends a pair of shoes to a child in need, called their “One for One” mission.

From the Horseshoe Boutique:

Join us NOON, Tuesday April 10th at the Ballard Locks (3015 54th St NW) for a barefoot walk to bring attention to the fact that millions of people suffer from illness and disease simply because they have no shoes to protect their feet. As a community we can make a difference by banding together and making a statement.

The store will, “celebrate with raffle prizes, a shopping discount for those who walk with us and cupcakes and drinks.” The barefoot walk is part of eight TOMS events around Seattle.

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