Next week, Seattle’s “ham-azing” sketch comedy show “Porktacular!” will take the stage at the Ballard Underground (2220 NW Market St). The performers are from Pork Filled Players, Seattle’s Asian American sketch comedy group, which has been performing since 1997. The shows start Friday, July 13, and will continue on Fridays and Saturdays through June July 28.
May Nguyen, Narea Kang (front) Kerstin Porter, Matt dela Cruz, Maggie Lee (back). Photo by Roger Tang.
Porktacular! is a variety show, featuring guests stars Assaulted Fish (perennial favorite from Vancouver, BC), sketch comedy duo Charles (“Best Writing” and “Best Sketch Comedy” of the 2012 LA Comedy Festival) and Drop the Root Beer and Run (recently featured at Improlympia and the LA Improv Fest). The comedy group Pork Filled Players are led by Head Hawg Roger Tang and lead writer Maggie Lee, and includes Matt de la Cruz, Narea Kang, May Nguyen and Kerstin Porter. The group is the longest-running Asian American theatre group in Seattle and is unique because it features a majority of female comedy writers and performers.
For more about the group, visit their website, Facebook page or email at Tickets for the show can be purchased online.