Tonight is the Ballard District Council meeting, held at the Ballard Public Library meeting room (5614 22nd Ave NW) from 7 to 8:40 p.m. The meeting is open to the public.
7 PM Introductions & Short Announcements – please hold announcements to not more than one min.
7:15 Interbay to Ballard Corridor Study, Patrice Carroll, Seattle Dept of Planning & Development
The Interbay to Ballard Corridor Plan will be a land use policy to guide future development along Elliott & 15th Avenues from Prospect Street to Market Streets. The plan will consider the appropriate mix of land uses, as well as opportunities to better integrate land use and transit.
7:30 Ballard In Motion, Kirsten Hoage & Jamie Strausz-Clark
Launch of campaign to encourage use of public transit and transportation by means other than motor vehicle. (Website here)
7:40 Briefing – Ballard Rain Gardens Phase 2 and Update on CSO Control Initiatives, Andrew Lee, Seattle Public Utilities
8:05 Staff Report, Rob Mattson
– Expenditures from 2012 DC Enhancement Fund
– Review – Metro Transit service changes to be implemented on Sept 29
– Applications received for projects in Ballard to be funded from the 2008 Green Space Levy Opp Fund
8:20 Executive Committee Report, Catherine Weatbrook
– Appointment of nomination committee and announcement of annual BDC election of officers
– CNC report
– Next meeting – October 10th
8:30 Adjourn