Loyal Heights Elementary zoning change meeting October 5

The city has rescheduled a meeting to discuss the zoning change for Loyal Heights Elementary. The meeting will now be Monday, October 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the Loyal Heights Elementary School lunchroom (2511 NW 80th St). The meeting was supposed to be Sept. 15, but due to the teachers strike, was postponed.

Plans for the expanded Loyal Heights Elementary School (view PDF here)

The meeting will discuss plans to modernize the elementary school and construct a new addition to the building. The zoning changes requested for the construction include the following:

  • Increase lot coverage from the 35% allowed to 50%.
  • Increase maximum height from the 35 ft. allowed to 60 ft.
  • Reduce setbacks to 0 ft. in some locations.
  • Eliminate requirements to provide off-street parking.
  • Allow continued on-street bus loading.

There will be a presentation from the school district on the requested changes before the Development Standards Departure Advisory Committee, a group composed of neighbors and School District and City representatives. After the presentation, the public is invited to make comments concerning the departures requests.

According to the city, the committee will then make a recommendation to grant outright, grant with conditions, or deny the requested zoning modifications; or it can decide to hold additional meetings if it feels more information is needed. The final decision is made by the Department of Planning and Development.

Those who can’t attend the meeting can still make public comment by contacting Maureen Sheehan by email (maureen.sheehan@seattle.gov) or mail:

Maureen Sheehan
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
P.O. Box 94649
Seattle, WA 98124-4649


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