Seattle Parks to partner with community groups to improve local facilities

Seattle Parks and Recreation is encouraging community groups to apply for funding from the Major Projects Challenge Fund to improve or expand existing Seattle Parks and Recreation facilities in their local area.

The fund is set to provide up to $1.6 million per year as a match to fund the improvements. To apply for the funding match any community group needs to submit a two page proposal letter that outlines their project and funding needs by March 31.

“The Seattle community showed their support of Seattle Parks and Recreation by passing the Seattle Park District,” said Jesús Aguirre, Seattle Parks and Recreation Superintendent. “We want to be responsive to the needs of the community today and build a strong Seattle Parks and Recreation for future generations.”

According to Seattle Parks and Recreation, this initiative allows them to be more responsive to community project proposals and assist them towards completion. Often, the City is asked to provide financial support to major capital development projects that focus on parks and recreation and no funding is available. The Major Project Challenge Fund will provide City funding to leverage funding generated by others for renovation of our facilities.

The application process is set to prioritize community-initiated projects that have a parks-and-recreation mission, encourage public access, leverage non-City funds, and are on a Seattle Parks and Recreation property and/or a Seattle Parks and Recreation owned facility. Other criteria that the projects must meet are listed here.

A portion of funding from the Major Projects Challenge Fund will be allocated to assist diverse communities and organizations that lack resources for a match. Groups that are unable to identify any match should contact David Graves (contact details below). Mr. Graves will help the group with the funding process and help identify funding source(s) for submitting the application.

To find out more about applying to the Major Projects Challenge Fund click here or contact David Graves at (206) 684-7048 or email

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