City Council to host meeting on proposed amendments to Ballard Urban Village code

The Seattle City Council is considering proposed legislation to Seattle’s land use and zoning that would affect property in the Ballard Hub Urban Village.

The proposed changes include:

  • Amending the Official Land Use Map at pages 53, 54 and 55 to rezone land in the Ballard Hub Urban Village; and
  • Amending Sections 23.47A.005 and 23.47A.009 of the Seattle Municipal Code to designate 17th Avenue NW, 20th Avenue NW, Ballard Avenue NW and Leary Avenue NW as a principal pedestrian street, and adopt development standards for certain properties in the Ballard Hub Urban Village.

The City Council’s Planning, Land Use and Zoning (PLUZ) Committee will host a public hearing to take comments on the proposed changes to land use and zoning regulations affecting property in the Ballard Hub Urban Village on Wednesday, August 3, at 6 p.m. at Ballard Library (5614 22nd Avenue NW)

Attendees are welcome to testify and sign-up sheets will be available before the meeting from 5:30 p.m.

Print and communications access is provided on prior request. Contact Amy Gore at (206) 684-8808 or via e-mail at: as soon as possible to request accommodations for a disability. Childcare will also be provided if requested by July 27. To request childcare during the public hearing, contact Amy Gore.

Written comments on the proposal will be accepted through 5 p.m. on August 3. Send comments to, or by mail to

Councilmember Rob Johnson
Seattle City Council
600 4th Avenue, 2nd Floor
PO Box 34025
Seattle, WA  98124-4025

To learn more about the Ballard Urban Design Project click here.

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