Veterans Day in Ballard


The My Ballard team would like to thank all veterans for their service and courage as the country celebrates Veterans Day.

Check out the list of what’s closed in the neighborhood today as we pay tribute to our veterans:

What’s closed:

Things to remember:

Photo courtesy of  My Ballard reader Jennifer Murray. Photo features her father, Richard Linvog, who served during WWII.

One thought to “Veterans Day in Ballard”

  1. Dear Dumpty,
    POW are prisoner of war, part of the military family that allows you and all of us the freedoms we have today. The comments you make are very offensive to all American and other that have served this great nation. In the future please reframe from making comments that are so offending to veterans like myself. What have you sacrificed for Your country?
    With respect
    KM Air Force Veteran

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