Burke-Gilman Trail clean-up for Earth Day

A group of volunteers will be out cleaning up the Burke-Gilman Trail next week in honor of Earth Day.

On Saturday, April 27, the Ballard Ave store Eco Collective is hosting the trail clean-up, starting at Gas Works Park and moving west along the trail to Ballard.

“We hike the Burke Gilman Trail almost every day, and it makes us so sad to see all the trash and litter that gets left behind,” the organizers write in the event info.

On the day of the clean-up, they’ll meet in the parking lot of Gas Works at 10am. Eco Collective will provide buckets and picker-uppers, but they ask that volunteers bring their own gloves, snacks, and water. They’ll plan to spread out along the trail, but will meet back at the store at 5201 Ballard Ave at noon.

For more info or to RSVP, visit their Facebook event page.

11 thoughts to “Burke-Gilman Trail clean-up for Earth Day”

  1. Reminder that dogs are NOT ALLOWED on the beach at Golden Gardens. It is a wildlife preserve. Thanks for “caring so much” about the environment.

    1. While I appreciate your comment about dogs on the beach, in this case…IRRELEVANT. The article says they are going to clean the Burke-Gilman Trail which does not go onto the beach. And the photo, while close to the beach, does not show a dog on the beach and, in fact, the dog is leashed. So…nice try? Maybe a cookie for you?

        1. Oh, my my, Uncle Buck. Didn’t you get banned already for such behavior? Would be a real shame for a such a beautiful soul as yourself to get banned twice. Come on now, Sweetums Kissiepoo (or whatever your next alias will be on here), play nice or no pudding for you!

          1. Is it too late to change my screen name to Sweetums Kissiepoo?

          2. Never too late! And while you’re pondering a new name choice you can think about a ‘gender’ change. Pull the old switcheroo, use the NYC shopping list of the 30 some approved choices!🤓

          3. @Toad
            Wokest take of the week. You’ll notice that cats and dogs have at least 30 sexes…oh wait…

          4. Grow up finally and get a life lil bucky, your “woke”, soy-obsessed, and hate-filled insult shtick is tired, boring, and just makes you look like a complete loser, desperately looking for any attention you can get.

    2. Censorship Hag,
      The city of Seattle has many problems, but this young lady (with her dog on a leash) giving up her own time to clean up along the trail is definitely not one of them.

  2. I’d like to personally thank this young person for cleaning up a public space and for obeying all leash laws, although it can be temping to not. May more citizens in this fine city follow this example.

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