PNA Village seeking new volunteers

The Phinney Neighborhood Association (PNA) Village is looking for new volunteers to help out elderly in the community, so they’re hosting a recruitment event next week.

The event will be from 6:30pm to 7:30pm on Wednesday, Jan. 15 at the Phinney Center in Room 5. They’ll have pizza, refreshments, and info about ways to get involved in the community.

“Is volunteering among one of your New Year’s resolutions? Bring a friend and join us for pizza, beer, and refreshments while learning how you can help your elder neighbors!” the event info reads. The volunteers provide services such as transportation, small home projects, and social interaction. They say the hours are flexible and can be tailored for people’s schedules.

If you plan to attend, RSVP at or by calling 206-789-1217. For more about the PNA Village, click here.

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