Help keep Ballard news available to all

Last week, we announced a big change at My Ballard, as Geeky Swedes handed over ownership after over a decade of delivering daily news for Ballard.

We also launched a Patreon subscription site, which has had a fantastic response with 69 new subscribers in one week (Thank you!). If you want to help stoke the fire, consider becoming a supporter of My Ballard.

There are three main tiers of support: $5, $10, and $15. That said, you can donate any amount—even $1 per month will help keep local news alive.

My Ballard will remain free for everyone—you’ll never see a paywall when you visit the site. However, we want to give you more: more stories, more photographs, and more daily and breaking news that’s both relevant and reliable.

Your monthly donation will help My Ballard expand our cohort of writers and photographers, and ensure that local journalism will survive despite the hit we’ve all taken from COVID-19.

For questions, concerns, news tips, or if you just want to say hi, email

For companies interested in advertising, please visit here.