For the last two weekends, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has closed the Ballard Bridge at night, working to paint the areas of the bridge not accessible when the […]
Author: Meghan Walker
BHS girls’ basketball team car wash tomorrow
Tomorrow, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Ballard High School girls basketball team will be washing cars at Bernie’s Automotive at 4420 Leary Way NW. Photo from a previous […]
Take a closer look at Seattle grunge and music culture tomorrow
Tomorrow, Saturday April 28 at 5 p.m., Sonic Boom Records will be hosting an author reading event featuring Stephen Tow, author of “The Strangest Tribe: How a Group of Seattle […]
Ballard High School art on display at Ballard Library
Starting this weekend, the Ballard Library will host the Sixth Annual Ballard High School Student Art Show. From tomorrow, Saturday, April 28 through Saturday, May 19, the students’ art will […]
Your precious pet is lost — what can you do?
From our sister site,
By Ilona Idlis, UW News Lab
Greenwood resident Becky Refae never expected her cat, Sugar, to go missing. After all, the chatty Siamese had been an indoors cat for most of her 11 years and, like a dog, always came when called. But after years abroad, the Refae family returned to Seattle and decided to try to allow their pet a little more freedom. They were reassured by Sugar’s behavior. The kitty stayed close to home during her outdoor ventures and still preferred her indoor kingdom.
So when Sugar didn’t return one night last September, Refae panicked.
“We just couldn’t imagine what happened. Did she get spooked by a raccoon, or follow another cat? Did she get hurt nearby and get disoriented? There were a million scenarios running through our heads,” she recalled in an email.
Refae immediately set to work on the search. She phoned her local veterinarian and the Seattle Animal Shelter, printed up posters and hung them on telephone poles, then walked the neighborhood calling Sugar’s name and straining to hear the familiar meow.
The community board at the Seattle Animal Shelter is plastered with missing animal fliers. The most effective postings use large, color photos and bold headings with memorable descriptions, like “BLACK LAB.”
Her husband decided to expand the search by posting to the PhinneyWood forum. The online response was immediate. Tips and sightings poured in as comments and phone calls. Though the Refaes sped to the mentioned locations, Sugar was nowhere to be found.
Fundraise for HIV/AIDS with “Dining out for Life” today
Today is “Dining out for Life,” an annual fundraiser for the Lifelong AIDS Alliance in which participating restaurants, cafes and food retailers will give up to 30 percent of the […]
First Annual Poetry Fest starts today
In honor of April being National Poetry Month, Secret Garden Books and the Washington Poets Association are putting on the first annual Ballard Poetry Fest starting today, Thursday April 26 […]
Le Gourmand to stay open longer than planned
Le Gourmand broke the hearts of many a Ballardite earlier this year when they announced they would be closing their doors at the beginning of June. Now, with the restaurant […]
Ballard blood drive tomorrow
The Puget Sound Blood Center is putting on a blood drive tomorrow, Thursday, April 26, in Ballard. The drive will be in front of Jo-Ann Fabrics on NW 57th St. […]
Salmon Bay student interviewed on C-SPAN for winning film contest
Last month, Salmon Bay Student Leo Pfeifer won the C-SPAN StudentCam competition, a national documentary contest for his film, “Who Owns Free Speech?” Pfeifer was the first place winner in […]
Top Pot Doughnuts is coming to Ballard
Update: Top Pot co-founder and Ballard resident Mark Klebeck says he hopes to see the space open by June 1, which, coincidentally, is National Doughnut Day. He says the new […]
Road striping begins today
All over Seattle today, trucks will be out painting new stripes on the city’s roadways. The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) says they will be painting 1,148 miles of roadway […]
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