Eclectic, artsy, earthy and committed to a better future… that’s Sustainable Ballard and the Annual Sustainable Ballard Festival! Join your Ballard neighbors on Saturday September 28th at Loyal Heights Community […]
Tag: environment

Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling
Ballard Rotary is hosting a lithium-ion battery recycling event on Earth Day, April 20th. The collection site will be in the parking lot at Fred Meyer in Ballard, 915 NW […]

Northwest Forest Plan 30th Birthday Party
The old growth forests that define our region were once at risk of being entirely lost – but with strong public support, the US Forest Service created a first-of-its-kind plan […]

Seattle’s Tree (& Climate) Emergency
Tree policy in Seattle needs to be strengthened to address the growing tree (and climate) emergency that is upon us. Instead the tree ordinance was recently weakened. Join in to […]

Seattle’s Tree (& Climate) Emergency
Everyone knows that the Emerald City has as many trees as people who love them, so why are we razing Seattle’s climate-mitigating native urban forest? Seattle lost over 1,705 trees […]

Small fuel spill in the Ship Canal
Update: Larry Altose from the Department of Ecology says the spill is dissipating and too thin to recover. It was “likely left by a passing vessel,” he said. Earlier: The […]
SPU Program offers local home owners free water-saving toilets
Seattle Public Utilities is encouraging locals to learn more about the Water Conservation Program’s free toilet program. The program is offering local residents the chance to save money and the […]
Ecology Youth Corps seeks teen applicants for summer jobs
Are you or do you have a teen that is looking for a summer a job that is both in the outdoors and helps the environment? The Department of Ecology invites all local […]
City to fine homeowner for tree removal
Tree removal crews cut down a large Monkey Puzzle tree at the corner of NW 60th and 9th Ave. last week. Today, Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development tells My […]
Ballard Green Streets wins $1.5 million in funding
Back in May, we told you about a Seattle Public Utilities proposal called “Ballard Green Streets” to create green spaces in the planter strips between the sidewalk and the street […]
Natural drainage project meeting tomorrow
In May we first reported about the Green Streets project that Seattle Public Utilities wants to implement next Spring to reduce the amount of rain water that flows directly into […]
Mobile cottage looking for a home
Jeff and Arlene are downsizing. Big time. The couple is building a “mini-mobile cottage” and looking for somewhere to live once they move to Seattle in a few months when […]
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