On May 29, 1907, Ballard officially became part of Seattle. Ballard was the second-largest city in King County — with about 17,000 residents in 1906 — when troubles over the […]
Tag: history

Hundreds of 1970s Ballard photos added to Seattle Municipal Archives
Update: Um, it seems we’ve crashed the Municipal Archives site with all the traffic. So you may have a little trouble clicking the links below for a bit. Earlier: If […]
Vintage photo of the Ballard Bridge in 1933
From time to time, we like to share old Ballard photos from the Seattle Municipal Archives. This is the Ballard Bridge under repair in February of 1933 — 16 years […]
Ballard Historical Society event set for this month
Sunset Hill Community Association (3003 NW 66th St) will host Ballard Historical Society on Wednesday, April 19, for a special event focusing on the role of the Lake Washington Ship Canal over […]
Throwback Thursday: Winter in Ballard
It seems that the cold weather is now officially upon us, so the My Ballard team wanted to take a look back at some photos of Ballard winters in times […]
Throwback Thursday: The “new” Ballard Bridge turns 76
The Ballard Bridge, as we know it today, officially opened on June 8, 1940, so we wanted to celebrate with this week’s Throwback Thursday post. The first Ballard Bridge, pictured […]
Mapping Historic Ballard Project celebration set for Saturday
The team at Ballard Historical Society is excited to announce that their Mapping Historic Ballard project is almost complete. After a citizen-sourced effort to map and survey all the pre-1965 structures […]
Locals invited to “dig deeper” at Historic Seattle event
Locals are invited to learn more about Ballard’s past at the Digging Deeper event next Saturday, May 7, from 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. at the Sunset Hill Community Association (3003 […]
Throwback Thursday: Ballard streets then and now
Our friend Sue over at the Vintage West Woodland blog featured some “then and now” photos of Ballard streets and we wanted to share them with our readers in today’s […]
Throwback Thursday: Then and Now
Today’s Throwback Thursday post, courtesy of our news partners at The Seattle Times, features a glimpse into the past of a home still standing on the corner of 4th Ave NW […]
Throwback Thursday: March in years gone by
Today, we wanted to search through the Ballard Historical Society photo archives for some photos of the neighborhood taken in the month of March in years gone by! The below […]
Throwback Thursday: The February Snow Storm of 1916
With it being the 100th anniversary of the huge February 2 snow storm of 1916, we thought we would take a look back at how Ballard fared that day. Below […]
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