This weekend in music

Tractor Tavern
Friday: Southern Culture on the Skids, Marshall Scott Warner
Saturday: Southern Culture on the Skids, Marshall Scott Warner, The Black Crabs (Saturday is sold out!)
Sunday: Dysfunction Junction, Big Bluegrass, Moses

High Dive
Friday: Midstokke, Western Airial, Riverbend
Saturday: The Valley, Iceage Cobra, The DTs
Sunday: “Special mystery band,” Heavy Hearts (CD release), The Cute Lepers, Holy Name Dropouts, Mark Mallman, Zach Harjo, DJ Taco Supreme

Sunset Tavern
Friday: Derby, Oh Darling, Dominic Castillo & The Rock Savants, The Turn-Ons, Hypatia Lake, Charmparticles
Saturday: Graffiti Rock with Grynch, Clam Hammer and more
Sunday: Trashy Trash Night with live music by Linda & Ron’s Dad, DJ’s Introcut, Mad Max, Claude Balzac and Same DNA

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

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