Taggers hit Ballard Community Center

Vandals tagged the boat and signs out in front of the Ballard Community Center over the weekend, and At Large in Ballard says it’s happening nearly every week now. The Ballard Community Center folks say the boat must be specially cleaned because it’s donated outdoor art instead of public property.

“I’ve noticed more and more graffiti in Ballard lately,” blogs Peggy Sturdivant. Sure enough, while we were snapping these photos, a man walked by and told us the building next to his was tagged over the weekend.

Update: We contacted nwgangs.com to find out if this graffiti is part of an organized gang or not. Here is their response: “They just look like random tags. Not gang-related.” The graffiti is considered tagger graffiti.

Geeky Swedes

The founders of My Ballard

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