More break-ins around Ballard

Both the Sun Cafe on 6th Ave. and Nervous Nellie’s Espresso on 56th St. near 15th Ave. were both broken into Monday night.

Jeanette at Nervous Nellie’s says that someone popped the locks off their door sometime before 5:45 this morning when the first employee showed up for work. She tells us that they moved the cash to a new location after other breakins in the neighborhood but the suspect “almost knew where to go for the cash.” She won’t tell us how much was taken but does say “it was enough to hurt a small business.” Chris, the owner of Sun Cafe, says that the lock was also pried off their door sometime before 5 a.m. when the milk delivery truck showed up. In this case, the suspect took only the safe. No word on whether these two break-ins are related. (Thanks Laura, Rob and Fringe for the emails.)

Update: Sun Cafe owner Chris Tarnawski tells us that his safe was found in the bushes near the 7-11 on Phinney Ridge. “Only the cash was missing, our checks, deposit slips and even deposit records were all there,” Tarnawski wrote in an email. “The safe is all bent up and not usable.”

Last month: Suspects caught in Picolinos burglary
December: Burglar hitting local businesses, says cafe owner

Geeky Swedes

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